
Burial vaults

Burial Vaults

A burial vault is a lined and sealed outer receptacle that houses the casket. It protects the casket from the weight of the earth and heavy maintenance equipment that will pass over the grave. It also helps resist water and preserves the beauty of the cemetery or memorial park by preventing the ground from settling. To understand more about why burial vaults are used, watch the slideshow below.

Burial vaults offered through the extensive Wilbert licensee network are fabricated with a minimum 5,000 psi concrete and are combined with various lining materials including bronze, copper, stainless steel, and high-impact plastics for strength, water resistance and elegance.

Wilbert offers three categories of burial vaults, with differences in the level of protection, warranties, beauty, and personalization options. To learn more about the differences among Wilbert burial vaults, you can click on any of the links.

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